Who we are

Founded in Amsterdam for its European regional office, I-ARKS is the first worldwide women lead innovator platform in space, medicine and nature’s health.

The initiative came after a thorough analysis of the causes of the reported animal life and species loss over the last 40 years as well as the exploration of opportunities to build new and effective solutions and wins.

One of I-ARKS’ main objectives is to make an exportable, large scale high quality and safe backup of animal life on earth. This will be linked to significant multi-sectorial economic benefits.

Another is to boost innovation in healthcare in an economically interesting and unprecedented way. Today, this is happening on a very small scale. The developed business model is in that sense new.

Volunteers and sponsors [~ 1000 people] have helped prepare the initial stages of the project.

They include people in academia, business, law and space.

They include some of the top expert veterinarians in the field of reproductive biology and technology.

A few scientific experts

Prof. Dr. Irma Oskam, DVM, PhD

Head of Department, Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway,

Prof. Dr. Maria Isabel Mello Martins, DVM, PhD

Department of Veterinary Clinics – Small Animal Theriogenology, Londrina State University-UEL , Londrina, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Maria Alejandra Stornelli, DVM, PhD

National University of La Plata, Argentina

Prof. Dr. Claus Yding Andersen

Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Juliane Marie Centre, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital & University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Prof. Dr. Ticiana Franco, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Science, University Estuadual do Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil

Dr. Fernanda Maria de Carvalho, DVM

Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton, US

Dr. Raquel Castro, DVM, MS

Department of Preventive Medicine and Animal Reproduction, UNESP, Jaboticabal, Brazil

Prof. José Mauricio Barbanti Duarte, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Science, UNESP Jaboticabal, Brazil

Prof. Valeria Conforti, DVM, PhD

Animal Science Graduate Program- UNIFRAN, Brazil

Prof. Fabiana Ferreira de Souza, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Reproduction and Veterinary Radiology-UNESP Botucatu, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Guilherme Schiess Cardoso, DVM, PhD

Department of Veterinary Clinics - Anesthesiology, Londrina State University-UEL ,Londrina, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Mayra Elena Ortiz D'Avila Assumpção, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Reproduction, University of São Paulo-USP, Brazil

Dr. Ingrid Beatrice Macenta, DVM

Department of Animal Science, UNESP Jaboticabal, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues Silva, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Reproduction, UFERSA, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Lúcia Daniel Machado Silva, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Reproduction, UECE, Brazil

Dr. Daniela Mello, DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Reproduction, University of São Paulo-USP, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Daniel Bartoli de Souza, DVM, PhD

Federal University of Goias, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Fernando Mesquita, DVM, PhD

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Pampa, Rio Grando do Sul, Brazil

Dr. Juliana Sihnorini, DVM, PhD

ICMBio, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Vicente José de Figueirêdo Freitas, DVM, PhD

Ceara State University /FAVET

Dr. Elke Smits, PhD

Scientific advisor biobanking, Belgium

Dr. Laura Kahn, MD, MPH

Scientific Advisor, One Health, US Co-founder Onehealthinitiative.com

Prof. Dr. Gaia Cecilia Luvoni, DVM, PhD

Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Dr. Luciana Diniz Rola, DVM, PhD

Marsh Deer Conservation Centre, Brasil

Prof. Dr. Michelle Brasil, DVM, PhD

Universade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Fernanda da Cruz Landim e Alvarengan DVM, PhD

Department of Animal Reproduction and Veterinary Radiology, São Paulo State University , São Paulo

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo del Rio Do Valle, DVM, PhD

ICS/ Paulista University Director at Wildlife Management consulting Coordenator - Biopesca Institute

Dr. Zoran Katrinka, DVM, PhD

Program Director, One health, Serbia